The children from Finland pretty good used snow as entertainment,and also for the project. It is good that they gave an idea how their school looks like inside and outside.
I like that they have a walk with Twinny in the school and it is good that you can see how the Finland’s classrooms looks.
Kalina, 7.а class
One of the schools visited by Twinny is called “Fran Albrecht” and it’s named after the famous Slovenian poet. The Slovenian school is very well presented I liked how they show the classrooms and also the P.T Salon. It seems that Twinny had a lot of fun, because he met many new friends.
:) Мihaela, 7.б class
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, FRANCE

I liked the school because there is a beautiful nature and the building is very well built (very good place). Sure there are very good, qualified teachers and interesting subjects. I’m very impressed that strangers are not allowed to come in the school.
Samuil, 7.б class
Samsun, TURKEY

I like how the Turkish have presented their country. It’s good that they showed their library , this shows that they are eager to learn. I also like that they care for sport . They play chess, tennis and billiards at school. Their video presents a traditional Turkish dance called Kolbasti. And they have showed the historical sights of the town very good, too.
Тania, 7.б class
Cintruénigo, SPAIN
It's great, that the people from Spain have presented the regions of the country and the location of their school. Also, it was interesting to see how they've shown Spain in the four seasons. I liked that they wrote some of the most common greetings in two languages - Spanish and English. They've also presented a traditional cooking recipe, their most famous book - "Don Quixote", their own sayings and famous Spanish lyrics, translated into English. In my opinion this country did a really good job!
Anastasia, 7.а class