The following statements below are a collected portrait of beloved high school teacher from the “St. Kliment Ohridski” high school. Various assessments for teachers who have received the mark “Excellent” by their students over the years are used.
He is very good and the whole class loved him as their parent.
Students respect and admire her, even today when teacher’s profession is not loved so much. She just does her job with enthusiasm and pleasure and she never hides how much she loves teaching.
I like her because she has a strong sense of humor and always knows what to do in a particular situation. Undoubtedly, however, I like mostly the relationship between her and the students. I don’t know how she does it, but she inspires respect and at the same time she manages to make students talk without fear and remorse. The student feels a kind of freedom and is able to relax, think on his own, independently.
How could I lock my heart for those who have made me not just read, but love literature; to admire the human body; to know that the sky above me has 88 constellations; so I can solve interesting tasks and problems; so I can ask “What’s your name?” in 3 different languages; to think of the mysteries of the human psychology; to fall in love with a sport.